24/7 Emergency Call Line

    Call Us: 866-255-6030

    Billable Technical Support

    Billable Technical Support

    No Dispatch Needed.

    FGC Service can appreciate that not every situation requires a dispatch. Many times a simple nuisance alarm can be reset with the proper uninterruptible power supply technical support over the phone. 

    FGC Service is Here to Help

    FGC also understands that the OEMs can be difficult to get a hold of or may not continue to support older pieces of equipment. Your UPS may be old enough that it is no longer supported, but not old enough to replace. This is where we can help. Call our US based NOC and we can leverage our decades of industry UPS experience to walk you through any situation with technical support over the phone. If you know the manufacture and model of your UPS, we can support you. Even if your UPS is not currently supported by the original equipment manufacturer, we can still help. We own an extensive electronic library of manufacturer technical literature and operating manuals. The first 15 minutes of technical support by phone are free and anything after that requires authorization to bill at a competitive rate. Our technical analysts are available 24/7/365 and willing to help on any UPS support need.

    Contact Us Today

    Easily Resolved Nuisance Alarms*

    • UPS on Bypass
    • Battery Breaker Open
    • Bypass Over / Under 
    • Frequency Bypass Over / Under Voltage Input Over / Under
    • Frequency Input Over / Under 
    • Voltage Input Breaker Open
    • Summary Alarm
    • Battery Test Failed

    *It is possible that the above cannot be cleared with phone support but often can be, if there is not some sort of component failure or catastrophic failure.

    What We Provide

    Local Experienced Technicians

    Not all technicians are created equal. Some technicians may have the intellect but lack the practical hands-on experience to PM your equipment. We believe in hiring dedicated technicians that average 20+ years of experience.

    National Coverage

    FGC provides UPS service in all 50 states and

    some areas of Canada. Whether it is a PM

    contract or Emergency service, FGC has you covered.

    Fully Stocked

    Batteries & Parts

    As your service provider we cannot properly do our jobs without access to batteries and parts. We stock several million in parts, batteries, and replacement equipment nationally. OEM certified or vintage third party, FGC has the parts to ensure this highest UPS uptime.

    Over the Phone Technical Support

    Our mission is to partner with your organization to ensure that your mission critical UPS experiences 100% uptime.

    Your All in One Management Platform

    Your All in One Management Platform

    Your All in One Management Platform

    Created by Facility Gateway Corporation, Keys is a patented facility asset management software platform designed to keep all of your facility management operations and maintenance records in one centralized location. 

    Performance Tracking

    Within the Facility Keys™ asset management software operating platform, KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) rate our performance as your facility management support company.

    Vendor Management

    We track performance criteria such as the number of PMs (preventive maintenance) scheduled/re-scheduled per month and emergency call performance and resolution.

    Asset Management

    Facility Keys™ asset management software saves time and eliminates paper chasing by keeping a complete list of your facility management reports and documents at your fingertips.

    Site Information

    View a snapshot of all sites in one location and the number of assets per site, along with details like location, manufacture, upcoming schedule, and data center performance.

    Procurement Management

    View all quotes, purchase orders, and invoices related to each site and specific asset. This feature can possibly help lower your current price of procurement by streamlining your strategy. 

    Learn more about

    Facility Keys™ 

    More Information

    What Our Clients Have to Say

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    FGC Service is Here to Help.

    We have emergency service available 24/7/365 nationally. Call our U.S. based NOC at 866-432-1711. Let us be your partner for uninterruptible power supply services.

    Billable Technical Support Page Contact Form

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